Home Bicycle Accidents Dooring Accidents

Orange County Dooring Accident Attorneys

Representing Injured Cyclists Throughout Orange County

Cyclists are well aware of the dangers they face every day on Southern California roads, especially here in Orange County. Our roads are chaotic, and cyclists often have to deal with negligent drivers who speed, tailgate, or fail to check their blind spots. While riders have learned over the years how to adapt to negligent drivers and now have dedicated bike lanes across most neighborhoods, even these lanes are not always safe. If a careless driver or passenger opens their door into a bike lane without keeping an eye out, they may slam a door right into a cyclist and severely injure him or her.

If you or someone you love was injured in a dooring accident, reach out to Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie. In most cases, negligent vehicle occupants are responsible for dooring accidents, and injured riders can pursue full compensation from the vehicle’s insurance company. Reach out to the dedicated and experienced Orange County dooring accident attorneys at Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie by calling (949) 752-7474. We offer free consultations to discuss your case.

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What Is Dooring?

Dooring is a type of bike accident that occurs when a bicyclist collides with an open car door. Riders are often advised to ride in a designated bike lane or along the side of the road to avoid moving cars, but in some areas, this puts riders right next to parked cars. Anyone exiting the left side of a vehicle may not only block a bike lane, but also strike an oncoming cyclist.

Even at low speeds, riders can be seriously injured if they collide with a fixed object, either falling backward against the pavement or sometimes flying over the door. If they have enough time to react, they may be able to swerve out of the way of the door, but it also puts them in danger of being hit by nearby traffic.

Dooring accidents can result in:

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California’s Anti-Dooring Laws

Dooring is a traffic violation, as outlined by California Vehicle Code 22517, which states that if a car is parked on the side of the road, occupants can only leave the car door open for a reasonable amount of time to load or unload it. When drivers violate this law, it puts cyclists at risk of being involved in a dooring accident and requiring medical attention. Based on this law, your attorney can establish that the vehicle occupant was liable for your safety, whether the vehicle’s engine was on or not.

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Recovering Compensation After an Accident

If you were involved in a dooring accident, you may be eligible for compensation through a personal injury claim against the vehicle owner’s insurance company, even if your injuries were caused by a passenger. This is also true for cases involving rideshare services like Uber or Lyft, which have liability policies for anyone injured by a rideshare vehicle.

In order to receive compensation for your trauma, you must file a bike accident claim that outlines:

  • Liability: Liability means that another person is responsible for your injuries and had a “duty of care” toward you. Everyone on an Orange County road has an automatic duty of care toward each other, including drivers and bicyclists. If a driver violates California’s anti-dooring laws and causes a bicyclist’s injuries, then he would be considered liable under his car insurance policy.
  • Negligence: Negligence is the legal concept that a liable party caused someone else’s injuries by committing an “unreasonable” action. Vehicles occupants should naturally know to check their blind spots or look over their shoulders before opening a door. Since 2018, driver classes in California have started teaching the “Dutch Reach,” which is a safety method of using the right-hand to open a car door on the left side. This method forces vehicle occupants to look over their shoulders and check their blind spots in order to prevent dooring accidents. However, if a driver does not use this technique and causes a dooring accident, he can be considered negligent in a personal injury claim.
  • Damages: Lastly, you will need to show how the dooring accident caused “damage” to your life, which can include physical injuries, property damage, financial losses, and mental anguish. Damages for dooring accidents typically include medical bills, lost wages, bike repairs, and pain and suffering.

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Speak to Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie Today

Dooring accidents can result in serious trauma, including certain disabilities. It the cyclist was moving at high speeds, hitting a door could damage the spine, potentially leading to chronic pain or paralysis. Treating these injuries and moving on from a crash can take thousands to millions of dollars, which is why riders should not hesitate to contact an Orange County personal injury attorney after a dooring collision.

At Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie, our legal team is a strong advocate for injured cyclists throughout Southern California, including here in Newport and Costa Mesa. We have over four decades of combined experience and have recovered millions of dollars for injured cyclists. If you bring your case to us, you can trust that we will thoroughly investigate your accident and fight for your best interests in an injury claim. To schedule a free.

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Bike Dooring Accident Verdicts and Settlements

  • $29,135 - Bicycle accident due to defendant opening door in front of cyclist

Click here for more case results.

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- H.P.

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We're sorry about what happened to you. It shouldn't have, and that's why we do what we do - go after justice for people who were injured by someone else. You're not alone. Reach out, engage with us, and contribute your expertise to the process. This is a relationship - we can learn just as much from you as you can from us!

After all, it's your needs we're fulfilling. If you want a great Orange County personal injury attorney who you can trust, contact Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie.

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Allen Flatt Ballidis & Leslie
4400 MacArthur Blvd Ste 370
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Toll Free: (888) 752-7474
Local: (949) 752-7474
Email: contactus@allenflatt.com

Orange County Bicycle Dooring Injury Lawyer Disclaimer: The information on this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should formally consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Please be advised, however, contacting us, submitting a case to us, and/or discussing your case with us does NOT create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

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