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California Ranked as The Fourth Most Bicycle-friendly State

According to the California Bicycle Coalition, California is ranked as the fourth most bicycle-friendly state by the League of American Bicyclists 2022 Report. However, bicycle accidents still happen all too frequently. To prevent injuries, here are some California laws all bikers should know:

  1. Always ride with traffic.
  2. Use the bike lane when present, unless you are making a left turn, or the bike lane is too hazardous to travel on safely.
  3. You may “take the lane” if moving slower than traffic, and the lane is too narrow to share with a vehicle safely.
  4. You are never allowed to ride your bike on a freeway.
  5. Hitching a ride with a car is never permitted.
  6. Whether you are allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk or not is determined by your county or your city.

For more information on bicycle accidents and safety tips, visit For a free case review, contact us at or call (949) 752-7474.

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